
Not everyone is skilled with an eye for detail. As we grow our library, we cannot do it without those who are committed to giving our entire library a consistent layout, grammar/spelling and formatting etc.

Contact us!

If this sounds like a fit for you or someone you know, please contact our literacy team by emailing cd-resources-admin@ntmpng.org and let us know a bit about yourself and how you might be able to help as a volunteer editor. It is also very helpful as you introduce yourself to give our team a rough idea of how much time (hours per month) that you anticipate you may be able to assist us.

How we acknowledge our editors

Any works that we create will need to be done so fully with the understanding that this is a volunteer effort, credit under a non-commercial copyright will be given but there can be strictly no offer or expectation of commercial or financial interest in this project. Currently any books produced will be published with creative commons copyright protection.

For more information on creative commons, take a look here.

With this type of copyright protection, we will be able to share our library with  other organizations around the world free of charge or restriction while at the same time preserving acknowledgement to those who have written, illustrated, edited, translated or contributed in some way for each project we add to our library.

Editors frequently asked questions

How much work will I be expected to complete?

There is a lot of work to be done, thankfully as more volunteer editors offer to help the pool of available help takes the responsibility off any one person. Currently with the amount of work available, you can be just about as busy and you want to be.

What exactly will I need to do?

This can vary significantly from editor to editor based on skill and comfort level with the many tasks that need to be done. Therefore it’s important to communicate clearly with our literacy team where your skill set lies. If we request you perform tasks that are beyond your abilities but you are willing to learn, perhaps you have some resource people who could help you? Otherwise we may need to find another task that is better suited for you.

Possible tasks may include:

  • Proofreading English for typos, incomplete sentences, grammar & spelling etc.
  • Adapting material to our standardized template
  • Updating older material to latest template
  • Help organize & curate files on our Microsoft OneDrive server
  • Assist authors in layout of text within the template
  • Assist illustrators by scanning artwork into a computer (see Digitizing art)
  • Assist illustrators by inserting & properly setting image layouts into books or training illustrators to do this themselves (see Inserting Artwork into Word).
  • Help reduce image file size (image compression, recolor to gray-scale, shade reduction see Reducing image file sizes for more information)
  • Upload files to our Microsoft OneDrive server
  • Assist authors & illustrators to verify that front matter on books has been properly updated
  • Grading material as beginner, medium or advanced readers
  • Coach authors in how to communicate more clearly to remote & isolated peoples
  • Coach authors on how to add more content to their book to meet minimum length requirements.
  • Offer & perhaps make improvements to this website